Above the windows and doors of in Stirling, Scotland's Boy's Club (built in 1927) are mottos written in stone for all to see: "Play the Game," "Keep Smiling," and "Quarreling is Taboo." The building, seen in the middle of the drawing above is part of a gathering of charming buildings known as Old Town on the hilltop of this small city, midway between Glasgow and Edinburgh. It was to visit my son who is studying for the Spring at Stirling University, that my wife and I came to the charming area. In the coming weeks I'll post the more works that I created on that weeklong visit. Lucky for me, I was able to sketch between the raindrops for a week.
By the Medieval Church of the Holy Rude, is where I found the Cowane's Hospital, built in 1637. My favorite feature of this interesting old building is the sculpture of Sir John Cowane himself who looked to me like William Shakespeare gazing up to the heavens. It was Cowane - a wealthy Stirling merchant - who left the funds for the building of this almshouse (home for the poor) of the merchant guild. A plaque on the front wall says "At midnight stikes at New Year, the staue of Cowane - known as Olde Staney Breeks - comes down to dance in the courtyard." If true that would not be much do do about nothing.